Archive for the ‘green’ category

Chinese Think Our Green-Friendly Totes are Hot

January 15, 2008

I was just putzing around when I saw this great bag from We Are What We Do. Apparently, this is a really hot item. Love! The company, London-based, supports taking action and sending a message through the products we use everyday, like shopping bags.

I actually found out about the bags while reading this article; here’s an excerpt:

The company, We Are What We Do, engaged London designer Anya Hindmarch to create the bags, which originally sold for $5 through a website, and quickly became a cult item.Proving consumerism and conservation are no longer odd bed fellows, China’s youth are the latest to embrace environmental protection as a fashion statement.

The last part I found really interesting. How long, do you think, before environmental concerns become a big deal with the Chinese people? After all, their country is one of the worst when it comes to pollution. And yes, I know that China is undemocratic and popular opinion might not impact much, but the cities, which are basically liberalized areas, and are closest to the pollution, might cause leaders to reconsider policy, no?

Organic Fast Food: Catching On?

January 9, 2008

This signonsandiego article seems to think so:

Eating organic has usually meant going to the grocery store and doing your own cooking, or ordering at a pricey restaurant – until now. Restaurateurs, encouraged by the $14 billion Americans spend annually on organic foods, are opening cafes that serve a new kind of healthy fast food.

They go on to talk about a few such organic eateries. Which is cool – if you live someplace like San Diego. But are there any emerging chains that have spread from urban centers into the suburbs? I think if there was some kind of organic convenience-type place (think an organic Wawa), that could really give a lot of people a taste for organic foods. Which, I really believe, taste better and feel different than the crud that fast food stores usually sell.

Greener Gadgets Rawks

January 7, 2008

core77_greenergadgets.jpg I was looking at the latest post on Cool Hunting (a must-subscribe blog, if you ask me). Anyway, Green Gadgets, a conference all about new innovations in green (as if that wasn’t self-explanatory by the title…lol) wants you to show them something new and green. And so do I!

The design competition will engage established design firms and students alike to come up with new solutions for consumer electronics addressing energy issues, health and toxicity, new materials, product lifecycle and social development.

Green Gadgets is so interesting, I think it’s quite the challenge for new, untested designers to really invent something that is new, but that doesn’t waste a ton of resources at the same time. It’s really an exercise in streamlining. It also challenges our notions of what it is to innovate: oftentimes it involves subtracting, and not just adding. Anyway, good luck to all of you smart green kids!

Why Conservationists are Elitist and Misguided.

January 3, 2008

You know who I’m talking about: they’re so hardcore. Why don’t you wear all hemp and stop having babies…you call yourself green? PathETic.

I think conservationists take the wrong approach, as far as the casually eco-friendly are concerned. Their arguments runs roughly as follows: Well, if, in principle, you think global warming, then you should be doing more drastic things about it.”

Instead, I think it makes sense to think of myself as someone not defined by one single principle. There are a lot of things in the world which concern me, and a lot of issues I could chose to support. However, I weigh these issues against my own immediate concerns, as well as against eachother. So, if one issue fits in best with the rest of my lifestlye, it performs better in my “partly-altruistic-partly-self-motivated” calculus.

It really pisses me off that some people act as though they are completely altruistic. It may be that some people get their jollies by feeling like better people than us lowly green friendly types who just do what we can within reason.

Style and Environmentalism: Converging in the New Year.

January 2, 2008

I definitely think that in 2008 environmentalism will get taken to the next level, as everyone left and right gets in on the act. Conservation will become a mark of style and sophistication, and the savvy will bring it into their homes. Looking good and feeling good will become one and the same.

New Year New Home

I read this post over at a water cooler blog. Take a look! It gives “10” suggestions on changing your home. That’s neither here nor there, however. The point is that the suggestions were really great! Like this, on style:

A few haut pieces (even one pricy sculpture) will really drive home an aesthetic point of view. If you like minimalism, get a minimalist sculpture and it will tie together the sparse arrangement of a room.

This is something I’ve definitely noticed in my own life. It doesn’t take too much to really make a point with your personal style, in fact it can easily be overdone. The key is to be consistent: I am green, and I try to incorporate that into everything in my home in subtle ways.

My Intro

December 12, 2007

Hot Green House is about living in a way that is urban, chic and sexy. And Environmentally sound. Nowadays, these two lifestyles go hand-in-hand. To me, there’s nothing wrong with that…it shows that those of us who have resources and could be wasting still have the conscience to take our ecosystem into account when we make everyday decisions. The idea is that modernity and environmental considerations go hand in hand. So, if something is supposed to be good, it should also look good, and feel good. Ya dig?

Next time I’ll address some of the main criticisms to this that I’ve encountered. Then maybe we’ll get on with the program.